I truly enjoyed our time together and like to honour you showing up fully for yourself.

The Importance of Rest...

During transformative times, it’s important to take care of yourself!

I truly enjoyed our time together and like to honour you showing up fully for yourself.

The Importance of Rest...

During transformative times, it’s important to take care of yourself!

To embody the newly gained awareness and make taking aligned action steps easier for yourself I encourage you to take the next half an hour to yourself. Drink a nice healthy beverage you enjoy, rest and journal about your new gained awareness and what aligned (baby) action steps you like to take in the next few days and weeks to come.

Keep in mind intentional rest is an action step too

As always if there is anything that comes up for you till we see each other again please reach out and let me know.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

From my heart to yours
