When you Embody your unique Soul Alignment

possibilities are endless.

Women often tell me working with me is like getting 10 years of results in just a few months. They also say that aligning your work and your soul is “liberation work.” Their voices, the way they move their bodies, carry their energy, and use their innate power changes. In essence, this work shifts your entire life from the inside out.

The underlying premise of my work is that there is nothing wrong with you.

Our culture teaches us over and over that we are broken and can’t thrive in business on our own terms. But the more you focus on fixing things, the more that there will be to fix.

My work is about supporting you in aligning with your most authentic self as a path to creating a thriving life and business.

I support you in teaching your body, mind, and nervous system to settle so you can hear the whispers of your soul.

This is how you break the cycle of your cultural and ancestral patterns so you can create the ripple effect you’re here for.

This is how we evolve our experience of life, our business culture and impact future generations.

Building awareness and having breakthroughs is simple...

… yet it is not always easy to align to your soul and embody prosperity with grace. You need to commit fully to create lasting results. The offers are not a band-aid, a quick fix, or a pill to pop.

Deep Dive Offerings for You; to Come Home Within

Embodied and Thriving Self Mentorship

Our journey together is a portal for you to come home within and embody your truest self so you can thrive.

Embodied and Thriving Self Mentorship

Guiding you to come home within and embody who you truly are.

Ready to uplevel your whole being? Schedule an Embodied and Thriving Self Introductory Session to align with your true self, reconnect with your body, deepen your intuition, and create more abundance and fulfillment in your life and business.

After the session, if it feels right, we'll explore how we can work together further.

Click the button below to get started.

Book now

Embodied and Thriving Life

Creating Magic in Everyday life™

In this 13-Week live group coaching program, you build the capacity so you can reap the fruits of all the mindset, inner work, and personal development work you have done over the years and live life successfully on your terms.

Embodied and Thriving Life:

What if you could finally reap the fruits of all the mindset, inner work, and personal development work you have done over the years (without all the backward and forwards) and live life successfully on your terms?

You can!

The Embodied and Thriving Life is a 13-week live group coaching program that will support you to:

Gain clarity on what you most want in life and go after it

Regulate your nervous system so you can stop sabotaging yourself and make sustainable progress

Create magic in everyday life

**Cohorts are capped at 20. To keep in integrity of high touch and individualised support.


Embodied and Thriving Impact

Embodied & Thriving Circle™

Unleash your most vibrant self as you honor your seasons of life.

Embodied and Thriving Impact

Embodied & Thriving Circle™

When our body is in alignment with our soul, everything can start to flow.

This 11-month high-touch hybrid experience is for women who are at crossroads in their life and business. It will support you in aligning with your soul’s purpose and embody abundance, joy, and freedom on your terms.

You receive 1:1 time with Corin AND the value of a magical Circle with like-minded women.

You will gain the clarity needed to let go of old conditioning and patterns that were never yours, to begin with, and become the person and entrepreneur you’re meant to be. The result will be more fulfilling relationships, a deeper sense of purpose, and prosperity.

*You will receive 1:1 sessions with me in this program!


Embodied Soul Purpose Freedom

Awakening 1:1
Private Mentoring and Deep Dive Work with Corin is for soulful women who have a calling for more fulfillment and purpose in life and who have already created success in their business and are committed to taking a gracouse quantum leap in their lives and businesses really owning their true calling and step into their purpose powerfully. Corin works with you intensively through either ongoing sessions or intensive VIP time to up-level and fully embody your purpose as you embody your definition of fulfillment, freedom and prosperity.

These changes create HUGE ripple effect leaps toward your personal and professional expansion, as when your inner landscape changes everything around you changes. Private mentor programs are catered to your needs specifically in a 6 or 12 month commitment so you get the holistic approach you deserve to create long lasting transformation.

Spots are limited as I only work with 3-4 one-on-one clients at a time. Packages start at 8888 USD. If you’re ready to invest in a deep dive transformation, fill out the application and I will get back to you soon to discuss next steps.

You like to explore how it is working with me first?
Keep on reading…

My exclusive process, The Embodied & Thriving Self Process is a one-of-a-kind and truly magical.

Embodying your soul’s purpose is effortless in the moment, but making it last takes internal commitment and practice over time.

My one-of-a-kind process is truly magical and integrates somatic work, ancestral healing, and rewiring thought patterns and subconscious beliefs and behaviours. As you energetically align, you’ll see big results in your relationships, your business, your abundance set point, and your personal fulfilment (see examples below).

I created these offers so that you can experience powerful aligned transformation that lasts.

The Embodied Thriving Self Process

Easily Access and Catalyze Your Soul Purpose using your body wisdom.


Where are they at – emotionally, physically, energetically (wholistic) – how is that interfering where you want to be


Action steps to remove blocks


To self to support


Ancestoral patterns / family patterns / stories


To self to support


Develop a unique way to move into

My clients are magical heart-centred successful women that know they are made for more, and they are ready to be all in to create their impact in the world.

In me, you will find a deeply intuitive, unconditionally loving, truth-telling, a strategic deep dive-loving guide that says things as they are to cut to the core issues and fast-track your transformation with much more grace and ease. I will hold you accountable to your vision and desires and help you to create powerful change in your inner and outer world in record time.

If you’re here to powerfully impact others for their highest good while you own your soul’s purpose with grace, this is the right place for you.

You are Made for More

and if you’re ready to take your work to the next level of purposeful impact & empowerment, then we’re a good fit for each other.

What people are saying:

PRIVATE MENTORSHIP: Guiding You Home to Your True Self

Receive individualized, profound guidance to help you reconnect with your true essence, embody your authentic self, and create more abundance and fulfillment in all aspects of your life.

We’ll dive into your inner landscape to uncover core motivations and release layers of conditioning, enabling a deep connection to your body’s wisdom and truest self.

You will gain the tools to heal and grow, transforming your aspirations into reality. As your confidence and strength increase, you’ll create meaningful changes in your personal and professional life.

If you’re ready to elevate your entire being, book your Nurturing Self-Discovery Session to get started.

This is for you if:

You seek a personalized session tailored to your unique situation and needs. You appreciate intimate support, value deep connections, and are open to exploring profound depths.


Intuitive guidance that explores your Body, Mind, and Soul, incorporating Human Design insights, body-mind alignment support, and much more.

*Not Sure Which Offer is Right for You?

Schedule your Nurturing Self-Discovery Session for personalized, intuitive guidance. We’ll explore your unique needs, uncover what’s holding you back, and identify opportunities for deeper alignment, ease, and fulfillment.

At the end of the session, if you feel drawn to continue working with me, you can book a complimentary 20-minute call to explore private mentorship, program options, and availability to see if our partnership is the right fit.

Click the button above to get started.