Episode 17: Honoring the Fall Phase, to celebrate and align.

Together, we’ll explore:

Table of Contents

In the Fall Phase, we get together with our families and communities, share our harvest and see the magical moments in all there is.

After consistently attending our inner garden during the Summer Phase, we move into Fall where we can reap the results.

In business it may look like landing a dream client or inviting an aligned offer into your life.

During this time of celebration and enjoyment, we also start to let go and drop the leaves of what is no longer working. So when the next Winter comes, we can continuously align and recharge, just as nature does.

When you feel called to listen, light up a candle, grab a warm drink and bring your journal. Together we will go through journal prompts, reflection, and visualization.

Please note you do not necessarily need to experience this concept with the physical season you are currently in, this season doesn’t need to play out for three months at a time, and there can be more than one season playing out for you. 

Everything Corin shares are her truth, lessons, and musings.

I invite you to listen to your truth, take what you need from each episode, and leave the rest.

Episode time stamps

00:33 Honoring the Fall Phase

2:45 Journal with me: First prompt

4:50 Journal with me: Second prompt

6:05 Journal reflection: Letting go

7:33 Fall Phase Visualization 

Visit here to learn more about Corin Hinderegger and her work: https://corinhinderegger.com/work-with-me/

Feel called to embrace the seasons in your life and business for more flow? Visit here: https://corinhinderegger.com/the-soul-aligned-entrepreneur/

Join the community:

https://insighttimer.com/corin for monthly live calls

Connect with Corin and share your aha moments on:

https://www.instagram.com/corin.hinderegger/ for more personal stories and updates

Listen to Episode 12: Embracing the seasons of life and business to create alignment

Download Transcript Here

Love, Corin