Episode 29: Transformation is here for you when you are ready for it.

Together, we’ll explore:

Table of Contents

Are you tired of feeling like you’re stuck in the same patterns, despite decades of healing work?

If you’ve been feeling this way, you’re not alone.

In my experience, the reason why we can still feel stuck even after doing the deepest transformative work is that we haven’t addressed the root cause of the issues stored in our nervous system.

Our nervous system and subconscious beliefs.

Experiences and trauma are stored in our bodies and can deeply affect us on a subconscious level. And if we don’t address these underlying issues, no amount of personal growth or self-improvement will be enough to truly transform our lives.

I encourage you to start checking in with yourself on a regular basis.

Take a few minutes each morning to do a body scan and observe what’s going on in your physical being without judgment. This will allow you to tune into the different experiences you might be having and explore parts of yourself that you might not have fully accepted, forgiven, or appreciated yet.

By doing this, you start to release old frequencies and patterns that are no longer serving you and create sustainable change with more ease.

It’s not about striving for perfection or overnight success, but rather building new awareness of who you are each day and cultivating a deeper connection with your body’s wisdom.

Your body is truly brilliant, and it has so much to teach you if you’re willing to listen.

Episode time stamps: 

00:33 Self-exploration on your transformational journey 

1:06 Our nervous system holds onto trauma  

2:41 Energy follows energy 

3:58 Join this deep inner journey 

11:20 Tips for your transformational journey Comment end  

Visit here to learn more about Corin Hinderegger’s offerings: https://corinhinderegger.com/work-with-me/

Download the Fight or Flight Vagus Nerve Reset exercise and join the newsletter: https://corinhinderegger.com/newsletter/

Listen to the Insight Timer Body Scan Meditation:


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https://insighttimer.com/corin for monthly live calls

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https://www.instagram.com/corin.hinderegger/ for more personal stories and updates

Everything Corin shares on this podcast are her truth, lessons, and musings and does not replace professional support.

What she shares may resonate deeply with you, and it may not. Whichever it is for you is completely okay.

I invite you to listen to your truth, to take what you need from each episode, and leave the rest.

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Love, Corin