Welcome to my part of the world; so good to connect with you here!

Corin Hinderegger, Body Mind Coaching

Let me show you how to come home within & reclaim your embodied and thriving self, where health and wealth is a given.

My mission is to guide you back to your truest self: To help you peel back the layers of conditioning and learned behavior that no longer serve you and the people you are here to inspire. To remind you how powerful you are whilst giving you the tools and resources to create a wildly abundant life and business as you reclaim your Embodied and Thriving Self.

I’m here to guide and connect you back to the truth of you – The person who has been hiding underneath the layers of life, exhaustion, imbalance, and confusion about what you need to do to have the energy and vitality you know is waiting for you. So you can stop the vicious circle of the next quick fix and search for the next magic pill and can create the sustainable impact and ripple effect your soul came here to experience.

Below you’ll find information about my Offers & Resources.


Together we’ll explore what is present for you and start to bring body-mind awareness to shifts that you are ready for. If it feels aligned for you at the time we can explore options availability, and whether partnering together for more in-depth support feels like a good fit for you at this stage in life.

This is for you if you are looking for an extra boost to help you quantum leap forward in one particular area of your life or business.

In this 13-Week live group coaching program, you build the capacity so you can reap the fruits of all the mindset, inner work, and personal development work you have done over the years and live life successfully on your terms.

This 11-month high-touch hybrid experience is for women who are at crossroads in their life and business and are ready to honor their seasons of life while embracing their gifts and create the impact they have come here to.


Visit here to join me in my upcoming events. You can expect to find me Insight Timer lives, Drop in Classes and Somatic women Circles, on podcast features, media, and summits.

Musings, reflections, and teachings on all things business energetics, embodiment, and how to create a thriving lifestyle by honoring your seasons.

This is for you if you love monthly musings and tools for support.

Here are some things I recommend to my inner circle that have added great value to my personal life, clients, family, and friends.
I will only ever recommend things I love, that have added joy, or helped me in my daily life as a mother, healer, guide and business owner. (I dislike when people promote things they haven’t tried and tested).


Contact my support team here!

Inspire your audience to tap into their brilliance, embody who they truly are, learn what is holding them back, and thrive in the diversity that life and business have to offer so they can create the impact they are here to create.

This is for speaking opportunities, guest teaching inquiries, media, podcast and collaboration requests.