Experience the Magic of Nature, Your Body Wisdom, and Intuitive Guidance.

Are you ready to reconnect to your true self and gain clarity in both your life and business?

My Nurturing, Self-Discovery Session offers you a serene space to slow down, tune into your body’s innate wisdom, and receive intuitive insights in a nurturing and supportive environment.

This session is ideal for both new clients who are curious about how it feels to be supported by me and are just beginning their journey, as well as returning clients looking for an energetic reset to reconnect with their inner selves.

Embrace this opportunity to:

  • Reconnect with Nature: Immerse yourself in the calming presence of nature, allowing it to ground and guide you.
  • Tune into Your Body: Listen to your body’s signals and wisdom, fostering a deeper understanding and alignment.
  • Receive Intuitive Guidance: Benefit from my intuitive insights to help you navigate your path with clarity and confidence.

*All purchases are non-refundable and non-transferable to other services.

Experience the Magic of Nature, Your Body Wisdom, and Intuitive Guidance.

Are you ready to reconnect to your true self and gain clarity in both your life and business?

My Nurturing, Self-Discovery Session offers you a serene space to slow down, tune into your body’s innate wisdom, and receive intuitive insights in a nurturing and supportive environment.

This session is ideal for both new clients who are curious about how it feels to be supported by me and are just beginning their journey, as well as returning clients looking for an energetic reset to reconnect with their inner selves.

Embrace this opportunity to:

  • Reconnect with Nature: Immerse yourself in the calming presence of nature, allowing it to ground and guide you.
  • Tune into Your Body: Listen to your body’s signals and wisdom, fostering a deeper understanding and alignment.
  • Receive Intuitive Guidance: Benefit from my intuitive insights to help you navigate your path with clarity and confidence.

*All purchases are non-refundable and non-transferable to other services.

What You'll Receive in the Nurturing, Self-Discovery Session:

Before the session, you’ll receive a pre-call nervous system reset exercise to set you up for success, along with a questionnaire that allows me to tune into your energetic being beforehand, ensuring we can dive right into the session without wasting precious time.

During the session, we will focus on:

  • Connection with Nature: We’ll both be immersed in nature, either through a walk together or in our respective natural settings, allowing you to integrate, rewire, and soften, creating space for breakthroughs and expansions.
  • Animal Wisdom: I will often be in the company of my horses, tapping into their profound wisdom and the magic they exude. Their presence provides a deeply healing effect, even across international phone connections.
  • Intuitive Guidance: As we walk and talk, we’ll tune into your body, soul, and intuition. This session is designed to help you gain clarity, process unresolved feelings, and align with your soul’s wisdom.
  • Holistic Integration: Experience your body softening and your nervous system relaxing, enabling you to open up to your soul’s wisdom and allowing integration and expansion to occur with ease.

After the session, you’ll receive an integration meditation journey and journal prompts to help you incorporate the new awareness into your being so you can get the most out of our time together.



This session is a powerful healing experience, signaling to your whole being that you are not broken and that all of you is welcome.

Book Your Nurturing, Self-Discovery Session:

55 min. | $333 NZD (approx. $210 USD or 190 Euro)

*All purchases are non-refundable and non-transferable to other services.

If You Can Feel Deep in Your Being You Are Ready for More than a One-Off Session.

Let’s Find the Right Guidance for You

The first step is determining the best type of guidance for your needs. Start by booking your Nurturing, Self-Discovery Session, or jump right to the bottom of the page and fill in an application form for 1-1 Mentoring.

If you choose the pathway of the  Nurturing, Self-Discovery Session, it will allow you to experience how it is to work with me firsthand. If it feels aligned for both of us and you feel called to explore further, I am happy to offer you a complimentary 20-minute follow-up exploration call.

Once we’ve had the session and you’ve experienced its magic, we can use this follow-up call to explore options that suit your needs and availability and see if our partnership feels right for the next step. This might include Private Mentorship, Quantec Support, or one of my in-depth programs. Your current situation, intuition, and capacity for time and energy will guide us to the perfect match.

If you’re ready to take your realignment to the next level, start embodying who you truly are, and thrive in the diversity life and business have to offer, consider my Private Mentorship program. This in-depth journey supports you in reconnecting with your body’s wisdom. By deepening your innate intuition, we’ll foster greater abundance, fulfillment, health, and wealth across all areas of your life.

What You'll Receive in Private Mentorship;

My work is diverse, yet at its core, I am a mentor and coach dedicated to guiding leaders and changemakers toward authentic alignment and harmony in their lives. I prioritize ease, flow, and grace, championing harmony over the relentless hustle. In a world that often pressures us to push and strive, I offer a refreshing alternative.

My philosophy centers on embracing your individuality and authenticity, fostering a life and business that resonate with your true essence. Together, we cultivate a path rooted in truth and harmony, unlocking freedom, impact, and prosperity from within.

Personalized Support Bespoke sessions designed to delve into your inner landscape, uncover your deepest aspirations, and rewire your inner drivers to embody your authentic self.

Comprehensive Modalities Including personalized 1:1 sessions that integrate holistic healing practices addressing Body, Mind, and Soul, Somatic and Energetic Alignment, Human Design insights, Quantec Support, Family Constellation – Ancestral Wounds Healing, and Business Energetics support, among other tailored approaches.

Continuous Guidance Continuous support through Voxer and other channels, ensuring you feel empowered and supported throughout your journey.

Transformative Outcomes Experience profound personal growth, unlocking your potential to become a confident leader and impactful changemaker. Witness the positive ripple effect in your life, family, community, and beyond as you heal, evolve, and thrive in ways you never imagined.

*The initial private mentoring program typically lasts between 3 and 9 months, with packages starting at $1111 USD per month.  Please Note:  Places are limited, as I only work with 3-4 people 1-1 at a time.