The embodied Thriving self Lessons + Musings. Trailer

Together, we’ll explore:

Table of Contents

I’m so excited to share with you my podcast: The embodied Thriving self Lessons + Musings.

There is a variation of episodes, each 10-30 minutes long. I’ll share Somatic nervous system regulating tools, how to achieve one’s true potential for both professional success and personal fulfillment, inspiring interviews, as well as a monthly visualization and meditation.

This podcast is about soul alignment, authenticity, and the importance of giving ourselves some grace when we meet our messy parts so we can step into our most aligned selves. Because when we’re aligned with our soul, everything starts to flow as we activate our intuition, our work, and our life.
Join me on this journey of unbecoming who we have learned to be and becoming who we have come here to be in this lifetime.

That’s how we connect to our body’s wisdom’s compass, create true magic and thrive in business and life, as our heart-centered business is just an extension of ourselves.

If you are ready to create lasting change and willing to lean into the depth of yourself so you can take aligned steps to truly come home within, then this podcast is for you.

Love, Corin